04 December 2010

collection of my Dad's paintings

For his Christmas present I collected ditigal images of my Dad's paintings over the last couple of years and had a book made up for him. Technically not one of my creations, but I thought it was definitely worth keeping a copy and documenting it on my blog...

04 October 2010

Julian and his sweater

How adorable is this little sweater that I knitted for my good friend Elizabeth's baby shower gift...?

But how much more adorable does baby Julian look in his little sweater and jeans combo?

01 September 2010

Cozy winter cardigan-jacket

This little cardigan was knitted for India Elizabeth Noble, my three and a half year old niece. No sleeve seams, the yoke was knitted in the round which was tricky.

Sorry about the dodgy picture quality. I'll get some better photos at a later date.

Sakura in her little stripey cardi

An update on an earlier post. My sister-in-law finally took some pictures of my beautiful new niece Sakura. Though not so new any more, 3 months old now, can wait to meet her at Christmas. She's already grown so much...nearly out of her cardigan.

I guess I'll have to get knitting again.

12 August 2010

a beautiful ballet-esque wrap for Maisie

Here is the next installment in my attempt to hand knit Christmas presents for all eleven of my nieces and nephews. A ballet wrap cardigan for my little nearly five year old niece Maisie Lou.

08 August 2010

bulking out my portfolio...

My Christmas knitting project had to be put on hold for a couple of weeks while i put together a project for a potential assistant design position. I have to present it for the design director on Wednesday...fingers crossed it all goes well.

It's also extra work for my portfolio which is always nice.

Here is the sneek preview. I am going to be practicing my fashion illustrations, so hopefully they'll only get better from here on in!

I will most likely be updating this post as soon as all my knitted swatches are done so you get the full effect, and I probably should mention that should be 1x1" color swatches on the first two mood boards...

Oh, and no prizes for guessing which company I'm interviewing with.

19 July 2010

little old man cardi

Just finished working on Christmas present number two, a little V-neck cardigan for Ivor (my gorgeous 2 year old nephew). Can't wait to see him in it at Christmas, he's going to look adorable.

Using up the supplies that I have is becoming a bit tricky, I'm having to rethink my designs as I go. These sleeves had to be unravelled and re knitted three times so that the yarn wouldn't run out...

And here he is looking gorgeous in his fab new sweater...

baby knits

In the process of using up all the yarn i have in storage I created this cute little baby sweater. The yarn is 100% wool, so it would be too scratchy for a new born, but I can use it as a template for other baby projects.

I ended up sending this to a good friend of mine in Boston who has a beautiful baby boy, and likes to blog a bit herself...(the Odd Broad)

07 July 2010

First of many...

My aim this year is to use my free time in a positive and constructive way. I am planning to hand make all my Christmas presents...

I have 6 nephews, 5 nieces, 3 brothers, 3 sisters, and a set of parents. Ambitious?

Here is the first of many, a shrunken waistcoat (or vest as they call these things in the U.S.) for my 14 year old niece Kis Angel.

01 July 2010

a tree growing...

It took a couple of days and my arms are aching, but finally my bedroom tree is complete! All drawn free-hand, in a slightly darker shade of warm gray than the walls. I'm slowly warming up my creative abilities...next stop Pearl Paint on Canal Street to purchase some canvases I think...

26 June 2010

King Sickabilly's album cover

King Sickabilly asked if he could use a photo I took (at the Honky Tonk BBQ at Public Assembly) for his one man band album cover...

Here's the original photo and the edited version for his cover (by Beck Rustic)

11 June 2010

second baby sweater

My second hand-knitted baby sweater. I knitted it for a friend who is due in 1 months time...cant wait to see her face when she opens her handmade gift at her baby shower!

10 June 2010

crafty cards

I made this for my sister's 40th, using 1"x1" fabric squares in different colors and a black sharpie...

05 June 2010

a new baby

Last week, 27th May my beautiful niece Sakura Natalia Noble was born.

my brother James, Vass and Sakura

Sakura Natalia Noble

I can't wait to meet her in person, but in the mean time, I spent my weekend knitting up a storm in the form of this cute little cardigan, a gift for the newest edition to the family.

01 June 2010

Elvis is alive...

So, first project of the summer was to paint Elvis Presley's face on the wall in our kitschy 50's inspired work room for my lovely boyfriend. It works really well with our original RCA chairs. I think it turned out alright for a couple of hours work!

Before and after shots.