26 June 2010

King Sickabilly's album cover

King Sickabilly asked if he could use a photo I took (at the Honky Tonk BBQ at Public Assembly) for his one man band album cover...

Here's the original photo and the edited version for his cover (by Beck Rustic)

11 June 2010

second baby sweater

My second hand-knitted baby sweater. I knitted it for a friend who is due in 1 months time...cant wait to see her face when she opens her handmade gift at her baby shower!

10 June 2010

crafty cards

I made this for my sister's 40th, using 1"x1" fabric squares in different colors and a black sharpie...

05 June 2010

a new baby

Last week, 27th May my beautiful niece Sakura Natalia Noble was born.

my brother James, Vass and Sakura

Sakura Natalia Noble

I can't wait to meet her in person, but in the mean time, I spent my weekend knitting up a storm in the form of this cute little cardigan, a gift for the newest edition to the family.

01 June 2010

Elvis is alive...

So, first project of the summer was to paint Elvis Presley's face on the wall in our kitschy 50's inspired work room for my lovely boyfriend. It works really well with our original RCA chairs. I think it turned out alright for a couple of hours work!

Before and after shots.