19 July 2010

little old man cardi

Just finished working on Christmas present number two, a little V-neck cardigan for Ivor (my gorgeous 2 year old nephew). Can't wait to see him in it at Christmas, he's going to look adorable.

Using up the supplies that I have is becoming a bit tricky, I'm having to rethink my designs as I go. These sleeves had to be unravelled and re knitted three times so that the yarn wouldn't run out...

And here he is looking gorgeous in his fab new sweater...

baby knits

In the process of using up all the yarn i have in storage I created this cute little baby sweater. The yarn is 100% wool, so it would be too scratchy for a new born, but I can use it as a template for other baby projects.

I ended up sending this to a good friend of mine in Boston who has a beautiful baby boy, and likes to blog a bit herself...(the Odd Broad)

07 July 2010

First of many...

My aim this year is to use my free time in a positive and constructive way. I am planning to hand make all my Christmas presents...

I have 6 nephews, 5 nieces, 3 brothers, 3 sisters, and a set of parents. Ambitious?

Here is the first of many, a shrunken waistcoat (or vest as they call these things in the U.S.) for my 14 year old niece Kis Angel.

01 July 2010

a tree growing...

It took a couple of days and my arms are aching, but finally my bedroom tree is complete! All drawn free-hand, in a slightly darker shade of warm gray than the walls. I'm slowly warming up my creative abilities...next stop Pearl Paint on Canal Street to purchase some canvases I think...