11 February 2012

a little recycled crafting for the future

Over the last month I have been making a few cushions for the sofa that I will one day own, I the sitting room I will one day be renting/eventually owning... I decided to recycle my end of degree knitted swatches into patchwork cushion covers. For the last 6 years they have been pinned to presentation boards, hidden in a cupboard somewhere, so I have turned them into something useful and creative. Plus I can remind myself of all the hard work I put in to getting my 2-1 and hopefully this will help inspire me to continue being creative when this year gets tough to handle.

ditsy print fabric on the back of the cushions
(envelope finish)
some welcome encouragement from my lovely friend Jane!

I still have enough swatches for one more cushion cover, so when I next get some spare time I'll finish that one up and add the photos to complete the set!

05 February 2012

Hubby's Birthday Hat

My husband has been asking me to knit something for him for quite a while now and with one thing and another  I just never got round to it. So for his birthday I found a simple hat pattern, used some of my special chunky black yarn and knitted his birthday present. I think I'll knit one for myself next!

blue eyes

01 February 2012

Helping out a friend

Last Summer (2011) I spent a weekend with my good friends Emily and Toby and their boys Lucas and Milo. While the boys (my husband included) went off to spend a day and the park, I helped Emily finish painting her bedroom and created a tree mural for her. She had seen the one I had done in our apartment in Brooklyn and wanted something similar... We had a lovely weekend, Emily and Toby are excellent hosts, and this is the end result of our day spent painting.